Proposed Business for the 45th Plenary Assembly Session



15TH TO 26 JULY 2019



1.0 Introduction

In terms of Rule 14 (2) of the Rules of Procedure, the Parliamentary Business Sub-Committee is mandated, inter alia, to:

i) formulate, develop and make recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning the business of the Plenary Assembly;

ii) Manage the conduct of Parliamentary business of the Plenary Assembly;

iii) Determine the calendar of the Plenary Assembly;

iv) Plan Standing Committee meetings; and

v) Monitor implementation of decisions of the Executive Committee.

Accordingly, the Parliamentary Business Sub-Committee should consider and approve the Parliamentary Business for each Plenary Assembly. The Sub-Committee reports to the Executive Committee (EXCO).

2.0 Sources of Plenary Assembly Business

Plenary Assembly Business is made up of the following items:

i) Reports of Standing Committees - Rule 6 (2);

ii) Report of the Executive Committee, including the Treasurer's Report - Rule 11;

iii) Executive Committee submissions to Plenary on amendment of the Rules of Procedure and the Constitution - Rule 11 (7);

iv) Report of the RWPC - Rule 19 (5);

v) Report of the Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee - Rule 20 (2) ;

vi) Members' Motions - Rule 26 (1);

vii) Address by invited observers - Rule 44 (5); and

viii)Statements on issues of importance to the Forum by a Speaker or a Leader of Delegation of a Member Parliament - Rule 45.


3.0 Recommendation on Time to be Allocated to Members to Speaker during Debate

In terms of Rule 33 (3) of the Rules of Procedure, "A Member shall speak for a maximum of five minutes unless the speaking time is varied by the Parliamentary Business Sub-Committee."

Pursuant to the above and in order to ensure optimum use of time and balanced coverage of all items on the Plenary Assembly Order Paper, it is being recommended that the Parliamentary Business Sub-Committee varies the speaking time allocated to Members as follows:

i) Each Member to speak for 4 minutes instead of 5 minutes;

ii) Movers of Motions to be allocated a maximum of 15 to table their Motions and a further 5 minutes to conclude after debated.

iii) Exception be granted to the EXCO Report, including the Treasurer's Report, which should be given between 25 to 30 minutes for presentation and between 15 to 20 minutes to respond after debate, in view of the important financial and other institutional matters it contains;

iv) Invited observers, if given opportunity to address Plenary in line with Rule 43 (5), to be granted a maximum of 5 minutes; and

v) Speakers or Leaders of Delegation of a Member Parliament, if given the opportunity to make a statement in line with Rule 45, to be granted a maximum of 5 minutes.

4.0 Proposed Schedule of Business for the 45th Plenary Assembly Session

In terms of the approved programme, the 45th Plenary Assembly shall sit for four days - from Sunday 21st when there is Official Opening and Symposium to Wednesday 24th June 2019. The Business for the Plenary Session is proposed to flow as per the table below.




Day 1:

Sun. 21 July

1. Official Opening Session for the 45th Plenary Assembly.

2. Symposium on the theme: Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation: The Role of Parliaments "Towards Implementing the Paris Declaration and the Katowice Roadmap."

Day 2:

Mon. 22 July

1. Introduction of new Members ( and handover of copies of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure to each Member).

2. Motion to amend the SADC Parliamentary Forum Constitution, Articles 1 and 10, and by Inserting new Article 16A, and to amend the SADC Parliamentary Forum Rules of Procedure by Inserting new Chapter VIA.

Mover: Hon. Speaker Jacob Francis MUDENDA, Chairperson of the Legal Sub-Committee.

3. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee.

Mover: Hon. Wavel RAMKALAWAN, MP, Chairperson of the Committee.


4. Message of Goodwill and Solidarity to the 45 th Plenary Assembly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).


5. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Joint Session of Standing Committees.


Mover: Hon. Hon. Egbert AGLAE , MP, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment.


6. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Democratisation Governance and Human Rights.


Mover: Hon. Wavel RAMKALAWAN, MP, Chairperson of the Standing Committee.


7. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Human and Social Development and Special Programmes.


Mover: Hon. Hon Deveena BOYGAH, MP, Chairperson of Standing Committee.


8. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment.


Mover: Hon. Hon. Egbert AGLAE , MP, Chairperson of the Standing Committee.


Day 3:

Tues. 23 July


1. Motion for the Adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee to the 45th Plenary Assembly.

Mover: Hon. Senator Isaac Mmemo MAGAGULA, Vice President.



2. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee on Financial Matters of SADC PF (Treasurer's Report).

Mover: Hon. Situmbeko MUSOKOTWANE, MP, Interim Treasurer.


3. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Women's Advancement and Youth Development.

Mover: Hon. Ponde MECHA, MP, Chairperson of the Committee.


4. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Mover: Hon. Sophia SWARTZ, MP, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee.


5. Motion for the adoption of the Report of the Regional Mover: Women's Parliamentary Caucus.

Mover: Hon. Mats'epo MOLISE-RAMAKOAE, MP, Chairperson of the RWPC.


6. Notice of Motion Calling for Commemoration and Implementation of the United Nations Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace and Security.

Mover: Hon. Ts'epang TS'IPA-MOSENA, MP, Lesotho.


Day 4:

Wed. 24 July


1. Notice of Motion Condemning Attacks, Abductions, Killings and Discrimination against People with Albinism in the SADC Region.

Mover: Hon. Wavel RAMKALAWAN, MP, Seychelles.


2. Notice of Motion on the Promotion of Renewable Energy in the SADC Region.

Mover: Hon. Dr. Situmbeko MUSOKOTWANE, MP, Zambia.


3. Notice of Motion on the Need for a Lasting Solution Regarding Funding for SADC PF Election Observation Missions.

Mover: Hon. Wavel RAMKALAWAN, MP, Seychelles.


4. Notice of Motion on the Promotion of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Mover: Hon. Dr. Situmbeko MUSOKOTWANE, MP, Zambia.


5. Notice of Motion on Beneficiation of the Extractive Sector in the SADC Region.

Mover: Hon. TBA, MP, Zimbabwe

6. Notice of Motion on the Negative Effects of Plastic on the Environment.

Mover: Hon. Chantal GHISLAIN, MP, Seychelles.


5.0 Conclusion


In addition to the above outlined Plenary Assembly business, additional business could still be proposed on matters that are urgent and in the public interest in line with the Rules of Procedure 45 and 26 (4).




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The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) was established in 1997 in accordance with Article 9 (2) of the SADC Treaty as an autonomous institution of SADC It is a regional inter-parliamentary body composed of Thirteen (14) parliaments representing over 3500 parliamentarians in the SADC region. Read More

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