Programme for the Symposium on the Theme

CLIMATE CHANGE, MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION: THE ROLE OF PARLIAMENTS “Towards implementing the Paris Declaration and the Katowice Roadmap”

Sunday, 21st July 2019

Joachim Chissano International Conference Centre

Maputo, Mozambique

14:00 to 17:45

Director of Ceremonies and Lead facilitator: H. E. Celso Correira, Minister of Land, Environment and Rural Development




14:00 - 14:10

Welcoming Remarks by Hon. Verónica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo , President of the SADC Parliamentary Forum and Speaker of the National Assembly of Mozambique

14:10 - 14:30

Brief Statement by H. E. Celso Correira , Minister of Land, Environment and Rural Development

14:30 - 16:30

Presentations on the Theme

A. The Impact of Climate Change with regard to Cyclones

· The experience of Mozambique by Ms. Augusta Maita, Director of the Institute for Disaster Management (INGC)

· The voice of the affected communities of Mozambique

· Brief overview from Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mauritius

B. The Impact of Drought as a result of Climate Change

· Brief overview from Namibia and other countries

C. The Negative Effects of Plastic on the Environment

· Overview from Seychelles, Tanzania and other countries

16:30 - 17:30

Plenary Deliberations and Resolutions

17:30 - 17:45



End of Programme

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Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC PF) a été créé en 1997 conformément à l'article 9 (2) du Traité de la SADC en tant qu'institution autonome de la SADC. Il s'agit d'un organe interparlementaire régional composé de treize (14) parlements représentant plus de 3500 parlementaires dans la région de la SADC.

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