SADC Parliamentary Forum

Website URL: http://www.sadcpf.org


09:00 TO 12:10



  • To build the capacity of Committee Clerks in producing Committee Minutes and Reports of the highest quality;
  • To develop guidelines on and standardise the format of SADC PF Committee Reports to the Plenary Assembly; and
  • To share knowledge and experience and to promote peer learning among Committee Clerks.





09:00 – 09:10

Introductions and Programme Overview

Ms Paulina Kanguatjivi, Assistant Procedural Officer & Coordinator

09:10 – 09:20

Opening Remarks

Ms Boemo Sekgoma, Secretary General

09:20 – 09:40

Context and Objectives of the Meeting

Mr Sheuneni Kurasha, Programme Manager, Democracy & Parliamentary Business Focal Person

09:40 – 10:30

Key Components of a Committee Minutes and Reports: The Do’s and Don’ts

Ms Clare Musonda, Director: Corporate Governance

10:30 – 12:00

Deliberations and Way Forward

Mr Sheuneni Kurasha

12:00          –


Tutorial on filling in of Programme Implementation Request Form

Ms Yapoka Mungandi, Director of Administration, Finance & Human Resources




17th June 2021




11:00 - 11:15

Registration of participants

11:15 - 11:30

Welcome Address by RWPC Chairperson Mrs. Anne Marie Mbilambangu

11:30 - 11: 45

Approval of Agenda


11:45 - 13:00


Session 1: Presentation of Country GBV Data since March 2020

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break



14:30 - 16:30

Session 2: Presentations and Discussion by Honorable Members


1. The safety of COVID-19 vaccinations and related ethical considerations;


2. Findings from a study conducted by UN Women and UNFPA on Gender consideration in the context of GBV


16:30 - 17:00

Final considerations and remarks by SADC-PF Secretary General Ms. Boemo Sekgoma


 Programme - Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus Meeting Theme: “Post Covid in the SADC Region: Meeting Women’s Needs in a Context of Multiplied Challenges”

«O Papel do Parlamento na Protecção do Constitucionalismo e do Estado de Direito na África Austral: Perspectivas e Desafios»






09:30 - 10:00

·       Dados sobre os efectivos dos delegados presentes e justificação de ausências

·       Aprovação da agenda

·       Alocução de boas-vindas pela presidente da comissão

Presidente da Comissão, Deputada Jerónima Agostinho

10:00 - 12:30

Sessão I:


Comunicação e deliberações sobre a temática: «O Papel do Parlamento na Protecção do Constitucionalismo e do Estado de Direito na África Austral: Perspectivas e Desafios»

Professor Lovemore Madhuku

12:30 - 14:00



14:00 - 15:30

Sessão II:


Comunicação e deliberações sobre a temática: «O Papel do Parlamento na Protecção do Constitucionalismo e do Estado de Direito na África Austral: Perspectivas e Desafios»

Professor Lovemore Madhuku

Sessão III:


Considerações finais e voto de agradecimentos         

Presidente da Comissão, Deputada Jerónima Agostinho


 Agenda - Sessão De Desenvolvimento De Capacidades Da Comissão Permanente De Democratização, Governação E Direitos Humanos (DGHR) A Ter Lugar No Dia 13 De Abril De 2021 Das 09h00 Às 16h00

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Monday 18 October 2021 – The Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus will tomorrow, Tuesday 19 October 2021, hold a virtual meeting on empowering women focusing on the elimination of gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace, amongst others.

The theme of the meeting is “Empowering Women in a Sustainable, Industry-Focused Workforce in SADC: A Focus on Social Protection.” Members of the Committee will receive presentations from the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Social Protection Specialist, Kroum Markov, the ILO’s Angola- based Social Protection Technical Officer, Denise Monteiro, and the United Nations Development’s Angola-based Economist, Lorenzo Mancini.

Details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 19th October 2021

Time: 10:00 to 16:00 Harare/Pretoria Time.


MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link to be added to a SADC-PF Accredited Media WhatsApp group where information on events of the Forum are regularly shared with the media:


Register to join the meeting here:


The meeting will be broadcast live on DSTV Channel 408 and also streamed live on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sadcpf

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sadcpf

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCa0QZWjuXVxer_vm637pBmQ


Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or " data-ep-a8ef7="small>sadc">

Caros colegas/parceiros,

É com grande prazer que divulgo esta declaração aos augustos Parlamentos e parceiros do Fórum, tendo em vista a celebração do Dia Internacional da Rapariga a 11 de Outubro de 2021.

O Fórum Parlamentar da SADC associa-se plenamente à Resolução 66/170 da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas para comemorar este dia com vista a reconhecer os direitos das raparigas e atender aos desafios únicos com que são confrontadas em África e em todo o mundo. Um dos objectivos centrais do Fórum é proporcionar igualdade de oportunidades às raparigas na África Austral, de modo a que progridam no plano da educação, bem como na implementação de todos os outros direitos humanos, tal como acontece com os rapazes, e sem qualquer tipo de discriminação.

A Lei Modelo da SADC sobre o Casamento Infantil e o Modelo de Supervisão Sensível ao Género (GROM) são ilustrações não exaustivas das várias iniciativas tomadas pelo Fórum Parlamentar da SADC para capacitar as raparigas através de iniciativas parlamentares. Com o advento da Comissão de Supervisão das Leis Modelo Parlamentares Regionais (RPMLOC), que é o órgão específico do Fórum para monitorizar a Lei Modelo da SADC sobre o Casamento Infantil, o Fórum está prestes a dar início a um acompanhamento atento através de tabelas de desempenho parlamentar com o objectivo global de melhorar a situação e a qualidade de vida das raparigas em toda a SADC. A este respeito, o Fórum convida os seus parceiros de longa data a continuar a trabalhar com o Fórum com vista a interagir com sucesso com a RPMLOC e a fazer convergir os seus processos em benefício final das raparigas da região.

O Fórum também louva o tema da "Geração Digital". A Nossa Geração" escolhido em 2021 para comemorar este importante dia, uma vez que, de facto, as raparigas têm infinitas potencialidades a explorar a partir das possibilidades digitais que abarcam a terceira década do novo milénio. O mundo digital pode agir como catalisador para servir as nobres aspirações das raparigas. De facto, as raparigas na SADC representam o futuro da região: podem ser profissionais de sucesso, académicas brilhantes, mães carinhosas, inovadoras geniais na indústria, investidoras estratégicas, e muito mais. Seja qual for o caminho que escolherem, o Fórum compromete-se a acompanhá-las na sua jornada rumo à prosperidade.

Feliz Dia Internacional da Rapariga de 2021!


Sra. B. Sekgoma, Secretária-Geral

Fórum Parlamentar da SADC

11 de Outubro de 2021

Dear Colleagues/partners,

It is with boundless pleasure that I release this statement to the Forum’s august Member Parliaments and partners in view of celebrating the International Day of Girl Child on this 11th October 2021.  

The Forum fully associates itself with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66/170 to commemorate this day in view of recognising girls’ rights and addressing the unique challenges that they face in Africa and around the world.  One of the core objectives of the SADC-PF is give equal chances and opportunities to girl children in Southern Africa such that they progress in education as well as in the implementation of all other human rights, at par with boys, and without discrimination of any kind.

The SADC Model Law on Child Marriage and the Gender Responsive Oversight Model (GROM) are non-exhaustive illustrations of the several initiatives taken by the SADC-PF to empower girl children through parliamentary initiatives. With the advent of the Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee (RPMLOC), which is the Forum’s dedicated organ for monitoring the SADC Model Law on Child Marriage, the Forum is about to embark on close monitoring through parliamentary scorecards with the overarching objective of improving the situation and quality of life of girl children across SADC. In this respect, the Forum invites its longstanding partners to continue engaging the Forum in view of successfully interacting with the RPMLOC and aligning its processes for the ultimate benefit of girl children of the region.

The Forum also commends the theme of the “Digital Generation. Our Generation” chosen in 2021 to commemorate this august day as indeed girl children have endless potentials to tap from the digital possibilities that embrace the third decade of the new millennium. The digital world can act as a catalyst to serve the noble aspirations of girl children.  Indeed, girl children in SADC constitute the future of the region: they can be successful professionals, brilliant academics, loving mothers, ingenious innovators in industry, strategic investors, and so much more. Whichever path they will choose, the Forum commits to accompany them in their journey towards prosperity.

Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2021!

Yours sincerely,

Ms B. Sekgoma,Secretary General,

SADC Parliamentary Forum

11th October 2021

Distinguished legal aid officials and participants,

It is with singular pleasure and satisfaction that I welcome you to this landmark Consultative Meeting on the SADC GBV Model Law. As you may be aware, this Consultative Meeting is being held after fruitful consultative meetings with all stakeholders in the legal fraternity – Indeed, the Forum has successfully garnered the views from judges and judicial officers, Magistrates, SADC lawyers and jurists, as well as prosecutors, to cite a few.

The fact that the Forum is today consulting with Legal Aid Officials demonstrates the depth of the Consultations engaged. Indeed, it would have been a missed opportunity not to engage Legal Aid officials who are themselves the custodians and guarantors of access to justice.


  • Why is the consultation with Legal Aids Officials important?

It is trite that Legal Aid constitutes a gateway for access to justice for those who are at the bottom of the social ladder and cannot afford to pay court and counsel’s fees. This is compounded with the fact that unreported cases of GBV is often from the most vulnerable segment of society, and thus GBV complainants need to apply for legal aid to be able to adequately seize the court system, especially where civil matters are concerned.

In this respect, protection orders, occupancy orders or tenancy orders which are issued by the Court in the context of GBV offending are all involved with the legal aid process. In addition, in the criminal justice system, depending on the SADC Member State jurisdiction, legal aid can also assist GBV complainants who attend a police station without counsel. In short, legal aid comes at the rescue of those who cannot pay for their own legal fees.

In the context of the GBV Model Law, the Forum wanted to ensure that the Model Law contains sufficient legal aid provisions to assist GBV complainants, victims, or other GBV stakeholders, hence this engagement of paramount importance with you today.


  • Legal aid and human rights

Having said the above, I would like to give some insight into the linkages between the Forum’s mandate and the provision of legal aid in SADC Member States.

As you may be aware, the Forum has clear objectives to promote a culture of human rights and to ensure gender equality in accordance with its Strategic Plan (2019-2023). While GBV is a clear infringement of several human rights such as the right to health, physical integrity, and the prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment, access to justice is equally another human right. Access to justice refers to prompt access to the court system through affordable avenues and with limited delay to obtain redress.

Thus, while eradicating GBV and implementing human rights, the Forum needs to consider all relevant human rights comprehensively, through a purposive approach.

At the same time, the Forum as an institutional organ of the SADC stands guided by the SADC Regional Strategy for GBV (2018-2030). The Regional Strategy has earmarked the need for a human rights compliant legal framework for GBV that could assist GBV victims in all SADC Member States.

The initiative of the Forum to prepare and implement the SADC GBV Model Law thus marks the convergence of several imperatives and priorities which have ripened over the years both regionally and at the national level. Additionally, the Model Law is a continuation of commitments taken through the Abuja Declaration, Sustainable Development Goal 5 as well as the AU’s Africa Agenda 2063. The Forum is thus threading on the right path of implementation of human rights and addressing its obstacles when it is weaving the issue of legal aid into the GBV discourse and reflecting same in its flagship Model Law.


  • What does the     Forum       expect          from       Legal    Aid Officials

Distinguished Legal Aid Officials and participants,

Before I end, I wish to share a few pointers to guide today’s session. During this session, you are encouraged to interact openly and frankly with the Legal drafter and the facilitator.

You may wish to consider whether and to what extent should legal aid apply in the realm of GBV, and if it does apply which areas of the Model Law need to be revisited to ensure that legal aid is available to GBV complainants.

Furthermore, there is a need to provide for a means test for legal aid which would give a framework for national jurisdictions to consider. Since the SADC Model Law is a benchmarking legal instrument which will remain as a yardstick for SADC Member Parliaments, specific figures in the means test need not be given. Yet, parameters for legal aid may be considered in view of assisting Member Parliaments in the legislative process to devise a means test. For instance, it is now well known that considering income of an individual alone is not sufficient for legal aid, and that both income and assets are to be considered. Yet, there is a need to ascertain how to consider both income and assets and set parameters for same in a way which is human rights friendly and does not unduly prejudice meritorious applications for legal aid. This balancing exercise would thus be an important consideration for legal aid officials as they consider the provisions of the Model Law and devise a means test that could be used as a broad benchmark.

Having given the above essential pointers, I thank you again for your attendance today and wish you all a pleasant session.

Thank You.

Ms B.Sekgoma, Secretary General,

SADC Parliamentary Forum 8th October 2021


WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Sunday 11 April 2021 - The Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee (RPMLOC) during its meeting on Friday, raised concern over the slow and in some instances non-implementation of the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) Model Laws on Child Marriage, HIV/AIDS and Elections.

About six SADC-PF Standing Committees are holding virtual statutory meetings from the 9th until the 16th of April 2021 in preparation for the 49th Plenary Assembly Session to be hosted by the Parliament of Botswana in June, where each Committee will table its report.

The RPMLOC was established in June 2018 ahead of the 45th SADC-PF Plenary Assembly, with the primary objective of monitoring and evaluating the progress of SADC Members States in domesticating and implementing their regional obligations with regards to SADC-PF Model laws and policies. Friday’s meeting was held under the theme: “Augmenting the enhanced execution of regional obligations by national Parliaments."

Speaking at the RPMLOC meeting the Acting Chairperson of the Committee, Hon Bertha Ndebele, said: “To date it can be said that in tracking implementation there has been slow implementation and in some instances non-implementation of regional and international commitments and this is unsettling as it stalls the regional integration agenda.”

The RPMLOC agreed in its meeting today to focus on the following priorities for 2021:

  • to acquaint itself with extent to which the Model Laws on Child Marriages has been domesticated in Zimbabwe; and
  • to interface with various stakeholders in Zambia to look into the context in which the country has domesticated Model laws.

“The objective is to assess and document Zambia and Zimbabwe’s progress in domesticating the model laws and report to Plenary. We will use the experience to enhance the Committee Members’ knowledge on progress and strategies for the domestication of Model Laws in transboundary contexts such as border towns,” said Hon Ndebele.

SADC-PF Standing Committee Meetings are continuing until 16 April with the next one happening today (Sunday, 11 April) with the Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment chaired by Hon. Anele Ndebele, from Zimbabwe, scheduled to deliberate on enhancing regional economic integration through infrastructure development, focusing specifically on the case of one-stop border posts.



MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must send a request to the SADC-PF Media Office on this email:


The meetings will also be broadcast live on DSTV Channel 408 and live streamed on the SADC-PF platforms on the links below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sadcpf

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sadcpf

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCa0QZWjuXVxer_vm637pBmQ

Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969



Keynote Address 4th October 2021 Justice Zione Ntaba

Good morning, I bring you greetings from the Warm Heart of Africa, Malawi. A country blessed with beautiful people, rolling hills, thirst quenching rivers and an amazing lake, fondly called the Lake of Stars or the Calendar Lake. We look forward to your visit.

Let me first say, that is it is great to be among a set of people in the legal profession who I enjoy interacting with, being a former prosecutor myself. It is therefore an honour to address you at this SADC Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Model Law Consultative Meeting for Prosecutors from SADC Member States being held virtually. It is important to note that these consultative meetings are happening at a highly appropriate time right now on the African continent as every country is continuing to grapple with gender-based violence and its impact on the population as well as its economic prosperity and development for its people. Therefore, my keynote address is suitably placed in this discussion that Africa needs to have at this point but more so for the SADC countries which have their own unique issues in terms of gender-based violence.

Let me state from the onset that I find the objectives of the consultative meeting, exciting and extremely important as the issues you aim to achieve are very fundamental for gender and women’s right across Africa. It should be indicated at the beginning that there will be a lot of discussion on women and girls in this address. It is evident that even in the 21st Century, research has shown that most sectors continue to move at a glacial pace in terms of bringing women and girls into a position of achieving highest development but more so the enjoyment and promotion of their human rights.

Estimates published by WHO in March, 20211 indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Further that most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one third (27%) of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner. Incidentally that violence against women and girls particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence is a major public health problem and a violation of women's human rights. Therefore, as prosecutors we should be very concerned and be working on ensuring that we reduce these numbers.

Distinguished prosecutors, I have gone through the draft SADC Model Law and wish to applaud the SADC Parliamentary Forum for having taken on this task which is critical and

pivotal in the justice sector. Most of us hail from countries that have Constitutions that emphasize human rights including mine where under section 19, it provides for the inviolability of human dignity. It prohibits torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. Gender based violence bears the marks of torture, and is also, under various circumstances, cruel, inhumane and degrading. The invasion of the body in sexual offences contrary to the victim’s wishes often leaves the victim traumatized, both physically and psychologically violated. It is a fact that consequences of gender-based violence means unproductive citizens and this equates to a lack of development for the citizen, nation and continent as a whole.

It is therefore imperative that as SADC we move and embrace new ways of handling gender- based violence. The words of Gubbay JA in Banana v State2 are very poignant and speak to the need to adjust especially in dealing with issues in the gender-based violence context. He stated that in present day society, there was no rational reason to apply the archaic cautionary rule in cases of a sexual nature. This followed changes in neighbouring jurisdictions like South Africa and Namibia. Gubbay JA quoted with approval the Namibian judgment, S v D & Anor3 in which the following was said: "in the end only one test applies, namely, was the accused's guilt proved beyond reasonable doubt, and the test must be the same whether the crime is theft or rape" Gubbay JA went on to quote, again with approval, the South African judgment in S v Jackson4, in which the following was said: "In my view, the cautionary rule in sexual assault cases is based on an irrational and outdated perception. It unjustly stereotypes complainants in sexual assault cases (overwhelmingly women) as particularly unreliable. In our system of law, the burden is on the State to prove the guilt of an accused beyond reasonable doubt - no more and no less.”

I am, therefore, particularly pleased that this meeting affords us an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences on this very important topic and in the process build a body of knowledge that can be used to perfect the draft model law. However, it will be remiss of me, if I do not pick out a few areas in the model law which in my opinion need further examination especially taking into consideration, the role of prosecutors in the criminal justice space.

Recently, the Covid pandemic has resulted in many of our countries registering alarming incidences of gender-based violence. The model law has included a very critical area which several the SADC jurisdictions has very little legislation on, that is, the concept of femicide. WHO states that globally as many as 38% of all murders of women are committed by intimate partners. The model law only highlights femicide under the definition part but fails to expand it in terms of the legislation or offer enough insight to the various countries on how to adopt and adapt the model law.

The model law fails to provide parameters for prosecution institutions in dealing with femicide including prioritization of prosecuting such cases, charging aspects to mention a few.

It should be noted that femicide especially in honor killings or domestic situations needs to have a different focus in terms of prosecution policies in our various countries and the model law needs to ensure such is properly highlighted.

Let me take this opportunity to also buttress a critical issue which needs to be fully embraced and noted in the model law. This is in terms of implementation of the law itself especially as it relates to prosecution which goes beyond the training envisaged in section 72 of the draft model law as it relates to the concept of re-victimization. The law needs to address re- victimization to be one beyond access to justice but to one envisaged as an extension of the medical ‘first do no harm’ principle. Further that such should be addressed across the gender- based violence continuum of a victim. Whilst in terms of prosecution, this should include the parameters (policies or otherwise) to be addressed and ensured – pre, during and post prosecution.

Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security and another5 buttresses the importance of prosecution doing their duty. The High Court and the Constitutional Court held that the common law of delict required development to reflect the constitutional duty on the State especially, the police and the prosecution, to protect the public in general, and women, against the invasion of their fundamental and guaranteed rights by the culprits of violent crime. The Court held the Minister liable, in a case of rape, for negligence because the State did not take measures to protect the victim including the prosecutor who had failed to inform the presiding officer that the accused had previously physically assaulted the victim so that he was not afforded bail.

Similarly, Mexico's Supreme Court issued a historic order where the Court analyzed the conduct of each public servant involved in a murder case and revealed how the absence of a gender-sensitive approach had led to human rights violations of the victim, Mariana Lima, the deceased as well as her mother. The court also issued legal protection for Irinea Buendía, the deceased’s mother. Eventually, Julio César Hernández Ballinas, the husband was arrested since the order required México state authorities to reopen the case but also to conduct the investigation "from the perspective" of femicide, or the murder of a woman by a man for reasons related to her gender6.

It can be said that Courts have played and continue to play their part in protecting women’s rights. They have consistently highlighted that women and girls continue to face numerous inequalities but also vulnerabilities to their wellbeing and safety. On the African continent, this is worsened due to the patriarchal nature of our society. It is my belief that most courts are moving towards gender responsive judging as well as service delivery, therefore it is critical that prosecutors also inherently adopt policies, systems and processes that are gender responsive as they can affect the delivery of justice if they do not.

Lastly, it is recognized that our courts have made significant strides in the jurisprudence involving women and girls in terms of gender-based violence, however there is some gap when it comes to men and boys who are faced with gender-based violence. Therefore, the issues of gender responsiveness are critical. Consequently, the model law needs to also address aspects of this in terms of how the system is viewing incidences of violence perpetrated against men and boys. Internationally despite the context being highlighted is conflict times related, the significance cannot be underplayed. In the case of The Prosecutor v Bosco Ntaganda7 which concerned the Forces Patriotiques pour la libération du Congo (FPLC), an armed group comprised of people from the Hema ethnic group, which was a party to the 2002-2003 DRC conflict. It was recorded that at the pre-trial and trial stage, the Defence sought to have the charges of sexual violence against FPLC child soldiers excluded on the basis that the alleged conduct could not be a war crime because the putative victims and perpetrators belonged to the same military force. However, the Appeals Chamber rejected that argument, and confirmed that the rape and sexual enslavement of child soldiers by their commanders can indeed constitute war crimes under the Rome Statute. The Trial Chamber held that the OTP proved several of the allegations of rape and sexual slavery against child soldiers beyond reasonable doubt, and that Ntaganda bears individual criminal responsibility for those crimes. It also convicted Ntaganda for acts of rape and sexual slavery committed by FPLC troops against non-Hema civilians (both male and female). Furthermore, in addition to those sexual violence crimes, Ntaganda was convicted of conscripting and enlisting child soldiers, using them to participate actively in hostilities, attacking the civilian population, murder and attempted murder, persecution on ‘ethnic’ grounds, forcible transfer, and displacement, attacking protected objects, pillage, and destruction of property. Therefore, he was held responsible for these crimes as a direct perpetrator and indirect co-perpetrator under Article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute. Accordingly, there is need for prosecutors in the SADC region to note that there is mounting evidence that gender-based violence committed against men and boys needs to be receiving increased attention.

Access to justice remains a key pillar towards the eradication of violence against women and girls. It contributes to break the circle of violence, provide adequate reparation to victims, and transform the circumstances that make women and girls vulnerable to violence. Enhancing the efforts of prosecutors as part of key justice responders in protecting the rights of women and girls is essential and the model law must do so.

It is important to highlight that we must continue to be determined in terms of promotion and protection of the rule of law with a special emphasis on advancing human rights of everyone but more so women and girls who continue to be vulnerable, despite a lot of efforts. Justice dispensation is a collective determination and effort of every person in the sector. Justice must be transformative and must have a Human Rights face. It is therefore imperative that prosecutors across SADC should be strategic and harnesses all its resources.

We nonetheless commend our legislators for taking such a huge and bold step. It gives us Judiciaries as well as prosecutors, a good basis for expanding the laws on gender-based violence in our various jurisdictions. It offers prosecutors opportunities to go beyond the criminal justice space including advising victims on other possible actions available like taking the civil route in addition to the criminal justice route to redress human rights violations. The need to protect women and girls as well as men and boys from unwanted violence cannot be overemphasized when we talk of gender equality including women’s rights. We must be present.

In conclusion, let me leave you with the words of the Dalai Lama who said peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free. We must remain ready; we must be vigilant but more so ready to reduce the inequalities but also to prosecute with vigour gender-based violence cases in our countries.

I wish you a wonderful consultative meeting and as well wish you well as you continue to help eradicate gender-based violence across the SADC region.


Keynote Address - Justice Zione Ntaba - The SADC Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Model Law Consultative Meeting for Prosecutors from SADC Member States

About Us

The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) was established in 1997 in accordance with Article 9 (2) of the SADC Treaty as an autonomous institution of SADC It is a regional inter-parliamentary body composed of Thirteen (14) parliaments representing over 3500 parliamentarians in the SADC region. Read More

Contact us

Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
