SADC Parliamentary Forum

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O Fórum Parlamentar da SADC (FP SADC) vem, por este meio, prestar a sua homenagem a Michel Mweza - intérprete de francês no Secretariado e prezado funcionário do quadro do Fórum - cujo repentino falecimento a todos trouxe comoção e tristeza.

Michel era animado de um carácter alegre e de uma personalidade revestida de cativante à vontade. Uma pessoa que de certo modo surgia como raio de luz emanando boa disposição, com a particular habilidade de incutir ânimo nos seus colegas e noutros funcionários. O seu trabalho era apreciado pela sua qualidade; o que é também certo é que as suas ideias eram brilhantes. Como cidadão da República Democrática do Congo Michel Mweza transmitia um sentimento de patriotismo que o fazia representar as cores do seu país dignamente, no estrangeiro e na Região da SADC

Le Forum parlementaire de la SADC salue la mémoire de Michel Mweza, traducteur-interprète du français au Secrétariat, qui était un membre du personnel du Forum apprécié de tous et dont le décès subit a laissé tout un chacun dans un état de consternation et de tristesse.

Michel était d'un naturel jovial, doté d'une personnalité à la fois forte et décontractée. C'était un rayon de lumière qui transmettait des vibrations positives et qui avait la capacité d'entraîner dans son sillage ses camarades de travail et les autres employés. Son travail ne suscitait que des éloges et ses idées étaient brillantes. Comme citoyen de la République démocratique du Congo, il était animé de sentiments patriotiques et portait haut les couleurs de son pays à l'étranger et dans toute la région de la SADC.

The SADC Parliamentary Forum would like to pay tribute to Michel Mweza, a French interpreter at the Secretariat - who was a valued staff member of the Forum and whose sudden demise has left everybody in shock and sorrow.

Michel was a cheerful character with a strong but easy-going personality. He was a ray of light that beamed positive vibes and had the ability to be a mood changer for his co-workers and other staff. His work was commendable and his ideas were brilliant. As a citizen of the Democratic Republic of Congo, he exuded a sense of patriotism and honourably represented the colours of his country abroad and across the SADC region.

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Thursday 17 June 2021 - The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum has learnt with a deep sense of shock and sadness about the passing on of Zambia's founding father and former President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

Dr. Kaunda, who had been hospitalised recently due to ill health, was the first President of liberated Zambia and took the helm in 1964 after his country gained independence from Britain. He was Zambia's President for 27 years - from 1964 until 1991.

"We would like to thank him for his contribution in ensuring that the people of the region enjoy the freedoms that they have, he is one of the foremost people who paved the way for others to gain independence from the colonial regimes," said SADC PF Secretary General, Ms. Boemo Sekgoma.

The National Assembly (Portuguese: Assembleia Nacional) is the legislative branch of the government of Angola. The National Assembly is a unicameral body, with 220 members: 130 members elected by proportional representation and 90 members elected by provincial districts.




WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Wednesday 09 June 2021 – The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) Members of Parliament will, on Thursday 10 June, hold a virtual oversight meeting on the social accountability and oversight of the health and agricultural sectors in Tanzania.

Tanzania oversight

  • Excelentíssimo Sr. Vice-presidente do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC, Deputado Dr. Fiarovana Lovanirina Célestin;
  • Senhoras e Senhores Presidentes e demais membros da Comissão Executiva aqui presentes;
  • Excelentíssima Sra. Secretária-geral, Sra. Boemo Sekgoma, e funcionários do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC
  • Excelentíssima Sra. Presidente do Comité dos Secretários-gerais, Sra. Barbara Dithapo;
  • Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores.
  • Camaradas e amigos.

Permitam que eu comece por vos desejar a todos as boas-vindas a esta importante segunda reunião da nossa Comissão Executiva, que precede a 49.ª Assembleia Plenária do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC que será acolhida pelo Parlamento do Botswana. Permitam-me também exprimir a minha gratidão aos membros da Comissão Executiva e ao Secretariado pelo apoio prestado ao meu gabinete durante o mandato da RDC nesta prestigiosa presidência do Fórum. A calorosa onda de apoio que eu senti imediatamente ao entrar no Fórum deve continuar a definir a forma como realizamos o nosso trabalho daqui para a frente. Juntos, impulsionados pela nossa aspiração comum de uma região da SADC totalmente integrada, ultrapassaremos quaisquer obstáculos que se possam erguer no nosso percurso, na nossa tentativa de levar o Fórum em direcção ao seu estatuto de « porta-estandarte da democratização e do desenvolvimento socioeconómico da região da SADC ».

Alocução de Abertura do Presidente durante a reunião da Comissão Executiva do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC

  • The Vice-President of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, Hon. Dr. Fiarovana Lovanirina Celéstin ;
  • Hon. Speakers and Hon. Members of the Executive Committee here present;
  • The Secretary General, Ms Boemo M. Sekgoma, and staff of the SADC PF.
  • The Chairperson of the Committee of Clerks Ms Barbra Dithapo.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen.
  • Comrades and Friends.

Let me begin by welcoming to you all to this important second meeting of our Executive Committee which precedes the 49th Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary Forum to be hosted by Parliament of Botswana. Let me also express my gratitude to you, Hon. Members of the Executive Committee, and the Secretariat, for supporting my Office while DRC holds the prestigious position of the Presidency of the Forum. The warm wave of support that I immediately felt upon joining the Forum, should continue to define the way we do business going forward. Together, driven by our common aspiration for a fully integrated SADC Region, we will overcome any obstacles that may stand in our path in our endeavour to steer the Forum to be, "The flag bearer of democratisation and socio-economic development in the SADC Region."

Hon. Speakers, Hon. Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Opening Remarks by the President to the SADC Parliamentary Forum Executive Committee

Concept Note

1.0 Background

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) faces significant development challenges in both the health and agricultural sectors, many of which have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. While SADC Member States are signatory to multiple regional, continental and international instruments that aim to address these challenges, their objectives can only be realised through national-level domestication, implementation and oversight.

As recognised by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, as well as SADC's Vision 2050 and Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP), good governance through enhanced social accountability is an important enabler in eradicating poverty in the region. Progress reports on the implementation of the Abuja and Malabo Declarations, which commit African states to increase investment in health and agricultural development, emphasise the need to strengthen accountability in the use of public funds. In particular, the reports urge states to ensure effective evidence-based planning, efficient implementation of programmes and elimination of resource wastage.

Sobre nós

O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC PF) foi criado em 1997, em conformidade com o Artigo 9 (2) do Tratado da SADC como uma instituição autônoma da SADC. É um órgão interparlamentar regional composto por Treze (14) parlamentos representando mais de 3500 parlamentares na região da SADC. Consulte Mais informação


Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
